
Rangers Fan Share Offer

We had good interest and a decent uptake of supporters joining us in time for pre-registration of Rangers fan share offer which closed on Friday 11th June.

Thank you to everyone who joined and who took time to contact us.

We are still taking full membership applications from individual fans and supporters clubs for longer term share purchases.

Supporters Club Application Form

Please contact us at or FollowRangersPR on Twitter if you have any queries.

Follow Rangers Shareholders Limited is not a qualified Investment Advisor and the information on our website should not be considered as investment advice.  If you have any doubts you should contact a qualified Investment Advisor for advice. The capital invested by our members is at risk. 



Follow Rangers members will own the shares bought from their subscriptions and can transfer shares into their own name if they elect to.

Follow Rangers Shareholders Limited has been established with the following Mission Statement to satisfy requests from many Rangers Fans for a wholly independent and secure means of investing in the club.

Follow Rangers Shareholders Limited is not a qualified Investment Advisor and the information on our website should not be considered as investment advice.  If you have any doubts you should contact a qualified Investment Advisor for advice. The capital invested by our members is at risk.


Follow Rangers will always be completely open and transparent with information members require.


Constitutionally an AGM must be held annually and the company cannot be passed into new ownership without 100% support from members.


Follow Rangers will supply precise details of any and all votes carried out by members and will take direction from members whenever possible.


Follow Rangers will seek feedback from members on issues pertaining to the way Rangers and its support are treated.

Application Process

Choose the appropriate Application form below to apply to join Follow Rangers.

Full Membership

Affiliate Membership

Share Issue Membership

  • Application

    Click on the icon above to download the application form. The most cost effective way to invest with us is by standing order.

  • Contact Us

    If you have any questions please click the button and contact us.

  • Donate

    If you wish to donate to Follow Rangers please use this link

  • Members Area

    Click the link to enter the members only area

Our Members

  • I joined FR as I believe Rangers supporters need a voice. I believe in fan ownership and FR allows me to buy shares in Rangers. I would recommend all Rangers fans join FR

  • I believe in a Rangers fan group which will give backing to the support. We are under attack from all angles and this cannot be allowed to go on unchallenged. I believe Follow Rangers will speak out on behalf of the support.

  • Last week an invitation, Financial Results of Rangers FC and voting slip, dropped through the letterbox. Can I say thank you to Follow Rangers for securing shares in my name which entitles me to attend in the capacity of a shareholder, after all these years (60 yrs of age) can’t thank you all enough.


Help Protect Our Club

With your help we can make sure that Rangers will never again go through the struggles that the fans have had to experience over the past six years…

Want to make a donation to Follow Rangers?

Click the button below, leaving your name and using the description “Donation” when you make payment. All monies contributed as one-off donations will be used to buy shares in Rangers. Thank you!

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